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Michael Jackson`s back catalogue gehackt?

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  • Michael Jackson`s back catalogue gehackt?

    Das ist ein Artikel allerdings ohne jede offizielle Quellen-Nennung. Demnach soll ein Hacker sich Zugriff auf Michael`s Back-Katalog verschafft haben. Wie viel runtergeladen wurde verweigerte die Quelle anzugeben. Der Hacker-Angriff wurde beim routinemäßigen Durchsuchen von sozialen Jackson-Seiten und Fan-Foren entdeckt. Eine Quelle von Sony teilte mit das man den Jackson-Estate informierte aber keine offizielle Stellungnahme machte, da keiner Consumer-Daten betroffen sind. Auch Musik anderer Künstler sei betroffen

    Wenn man Insidern wie Gaz, Chef der MJJC glauben kann soll es sich bei einem der Angeklagten um Birchey handeln, der wohl auf MaximumJackson viele Leaks einstellte und derzeit vor Gericht steht. Schon ein laufender Prozess. Allerdings Prozessbeginn wohl erst im Januar 2013.

    That's bad! £160million worth of Michael Jackson's back catalogue has been stolen

    Michael Jackson's entire back catalogue has been stolen by internet hackers.

    Sony music suffered its second major security breach in a year, with thieves targeting songs and unreleased material by the superstar singer.

    It's alleged they downloaded more than 50,000 music files, worth £160million, in the biggest ever cyber attack on a music company.

    The news comes just a year after Sony paid £250million for the seven-year rights to the songs following *****'s death.

    The contract with Jackson's estate also allowed them to release 10 new albums, including material from studio sessions produced during the making of some of the star's biggest albums.

    The singer, who died in June 2009 at the age of 50, had recorded unreleased duets with artists ranging from the late Freddie Mercury and Black Eyed Peas singer

    In April the details of 77million gamers were stolen after Sony's Playstation Network was hacked. The breach cost Sony £106million and hugely damaged their reputation.

    The attack on the Jackson files occurred shortly afterwards but has not been revealed until now.

    The hack was discovered during routine monitoring of social networking sites, Jackson fan sites and hacking forums.

    A source close to the company said: 'Everything Sony purchased from the Michael Jackson estate was compromised.
    'It caused them to check their systems and they found the breach. There was a degree of sophistication.
    'Sony identified the weakness and plugged the gap.'

    The hack has compromised the work of other artists managed by the firm, including songs by Jimi Hendrix, Paul Simon, Olly Murs, the Foo Fighters and Avril Lavigne.

    The source added that the second breach happening so soon after the first 'would have made investors and artists think, 'What other part of Sony isn't secure?''
    Last night Sony admitted there had been a security breach and that the Michael Jackson material had been stolen but refused to say how much the hackers downloaded.

    A source within the company said that although the Jackson estate had been told about the hack the company did not have to make the knowledge public as there was no customer data involved.

    They added that computer experts had traced the hack to the UK by examining a 'fingerprint' allegedly left behind.

    The Serious Organised Crime division took up the case and two men appeared in court last week charged with offences under the computer Misuse Act.
    They denied all charges and were remanded on bail.

    Read more:
    Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 04.03.2012, 17:56.

  • #2
    Der Link funktioniert leider nicht !


    • #3
      Zitat von geli2709 Beitrag anzeigen
      Der Link funktioniert leider nicht !
      hab schon verbessert......................


      • #4
        Was bedeutet das jetzt für Sony und Michaels Musik?


        • #5
          Zitat von Dreamerdancer Beitrag anzeigen
          Was bedeutet das jetzt für Sony und Michaels Musik?
          Eigentlich hat man die Auswirkungen doch schon gesehen. Viele Leaks und Musik für frei und Leute, die damit Geld verdient haben. Der Hack-Angriff ist ja nicht aktuell jetzt passiert.

          Neu ist jetzt eigentlich, dass letzte Woche das Gericht entschied das die Anschuldigungen gegen 2 Personen ausreichend sind um einen Prozess gegen sie zu führen. Dieser soll im Januar 2013 stattfinden.


          • #6
            Ich kaufe generell die Musik, die mich interessiert, so auch Michaels, egal, was im Netz illegal herumkursiert,von mir aus sollen sie diese Typen hart bestrafen.


            • #7
              Zitat von Dreamerdancer Beitrag anzeigen
              Ich kaufe generell die Musik, die mich interessiert, so auch Michaels, egal, was im Netz illegal herumkursiert,von mir aus sollen sie diese Typen hart bestrafen.
              Hier geht es auch um Lieder, die man nicht kaufen kann... DYKWYCA, STTR usw..
              Die hätte man ja auch herausbringen können, statt der Cascio-Lieder.


              • #8
                Zitat von Marcel_MR Beitrag anzeigen
                Hier geht es auch um Lieder, die man nicht kaufen kann... DYKWYCA, STTR usw..
                Die hätte man ja auch herausbringen können, statt der Cascio-Lieder.
                Ja und? Nur weil die nicht auf dem Michael-Album landeten darf man sie klauen?

                Wie war das als HMH 2008 leakte hat sich Michael fürchterlich geärgert oder?


                • #9
                  Ich verstehe diesen ganzen Sachverhalt nicht so ganz und frage mich aber auch, wie so etwas zum wiederholten Male passieren konnte.
                  Gibt es in so einer renomierten und reichen Firma keine ordentlichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen ?

                  Was haben die Hacker eigentlich für einen Nutzen davon, verkaufen geht doch nicht, oder ?
                  Was wird ihr Motiv gewesen sein ?
                  Lediglich Sony zu schaden ?

                  Kann man das überhaupt glauben ?
                  Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 05.03.2012, 00:04.


                  • #10
                    also so richtig kann ich das auch net verstehen?! wenn man so wat klaut, muß ja wohl insiderwissen vorliegen und dann kann doch sowas nur aus den eignen reihen kommen??? oder???


                    • #11
                      Es gibt scheinbar auch nur diese einzige Meldung !


                      Wie kann Michaels Back-Katalog bei Sony von Hackern gestohlen werden, wenn ihn doch sein Estate besitzt ???
                      Haben sie ihn etwa doch an Sony verkauft ???

                      Auch wollte die unfertige Musik aus seiner Zusammenarbeit mit Michael niemals frei geben, wie kommt Sony dazu ?
                      Zuletzt geändert von geli2709; 05.03.2012, 00:38.


                      • #12
                        lol, Geli Sony hat die Veröffentlichungsrechte gekauft bis 2017. Und natürlich lagern die Masters dort.


                        Hier ist eine Stellungnahme von Gaz MJJC, Chef MJJC

                        Birchey hatte auch dort Mixes im ustream mit Snippets von gestohlener Musik eingestellt und MJJC wurde ein Haftbefehl vorgelegt für die Offenlegung seines Servers.

                        Dear Members

                        Birchey did share snippets and mixes for us to play on our ustream show as they were greatly done and like many other professional fan made mixes ones in which the fans loved to listen to.

                        However we had no prior knowledge of how they were obtained what was in them or that they were indeed stolen in the manner that they were.

                        MJJCommunity was served a warrant to surrender its server to SOCA due to the case they had against Birchey for accessing its server and stealing its content.

                        We had no choice but to adhere,

                        It was then that we were made aware where these mixes these snippets had come from, thus a blanket ban of all such across MJJC.

                        Be aware many dj's many fans send me/us fan made mixes of Michael Jackson songs many of which are freely available on Youtube.

                        I was and am still very angry with those who stole these songs based on what could have happened to our beloved community at one point I was going to publicly out those who stole and shared with the innocent without telling them where these items had come from, never was our beef with the Estate or Sony, I in one of my tweets used the term "seriously dertail" this term should have been "seriously detail" we/I was very upset based on the happenings and was only ever angry at those who stole putting an entire community in jeopardy for personal greed.

                        From this day forward we work closely with the legal team of Sony to ensure we comply with all copyright policies, this is not a partnership nor a working relationship but one to ensure our community is safe and complies on all accounts.

                        We are innocent and there is no case directed at MJJC due to our due diligence in this matter our handling of our operations relating to copyright and our consistent efforts to assist those who are the owners of said material.

                        Gary M Taylor
                        Senior Admin/Owner MJJCommunity

                        You may share the above MJJC statement in response to the unfounded accusations.

                        Hier noch eine Ergänzung zur Stellungnahme von Ivy:

                        I’ll add to what Gaz has wrote

                        A little background: Sometime in March last year, Birchey warned us that someone got HT remixes from a promotional link that Sony sent to Dj’s and told us to watch out and not allow links to it as posting links to official material is against MJJC policy.

                        In early April, Birchey on our forums had written that he had all 12 Cascio songs. Obviously everyone was curious about it. When we were discussing it, he said that the songs were obtained by similar fashion to the HT remixes. He said the songs were easily and openly accessible through a promotional link Sony sends out to DJ’s and that someone gave the link to him. Birchey told us that he notified Sony of the breach and helping them to stop it. Also he said that he’ll never leak the songs and will stop anyone from doing so as well.

                        As you can see at that time we had no reason to think that this was intentional, or it was a theft, or it was anti-Sony or anti-Cascio. As far as we know, it was quite the contrary; we believed Birchey to stumble upon these semi-public songs and he was doing his best to the point of working with Sony to stop the breach in the servers and future leaks. That’s what we believed to be true at that time and therefore did not see a problem. All of our interactions and actions were based on this belief we had at that time.

                        Sometime later small snippets started to get posted around the Internet – not by Birchey – and sometimes they found their way to MJJC as well. At that time we received regular copyright claims from Sony asking us to remove the links as it’s their copyrighted material. This didn’t raise any alarms as at that time they were communicated to us as regular copyright claims and we occasionally get them for MJ and non-MJ material.

                        Then one day came the shocking news that Birchey was arrested for fraud. We couldn’t make sense of it as we thought he was helping Sony with the breach in their servers and we never thought he could be involved in any leaking as he was the one that warned us about any potential leaks to stop them. There was a lot of confusion going on and we didn’t understand what was happening. We were shocked and worried – both for Birchey and MJJC. Soon we learned from Birchey that Sony was claiming that he took and leaked the songs intentionally to reduce their future value. I have to add that Birchey denied these claims in our conversations.

                        Then came the law enforcement. We were notified that they wanted access to MJJC to investigate the claims against Birchey and later on they executed a warrant and confiscated MJJC servers. It was out of our control. That was the time MJJC was down for multiple days and when we didn’t know if we’ll get back the servers or not.

                        Sometime during that time we learned that Cartman was also arrested as a co-conspirator and we learned that Sony claims the songs weren’t that easily accessible as Birchey portrayed and it required a deliberate attempt and long search to find and get them – hence the hacking and stealing claims – and that they believed there was a motivation, an intent to get these songs (anti-cascio).

                        So that’s what we know. As I said before there’s not an “our story”, it’s just that there are two different versions to this event. What we have been told by Birchey and what we have been told by law enforcement has been two different things. It’s not our place to determine who is right or wrong. It’s a question for a court, judge and jury.

                        Despite the recent accusations against MJJC, I also want to say that as MJJC staff we don’t want to see anyone – especially a fellow MJ fan that we know and loved for a long time – to get hurt. As I said to Birchey multiple times, our hope is that this gets resolved in a friendly manner and Birchey & Cartman as well as other parties can walk away from this with no damages whatsoever.
                        Zuletzt geändert von Lena; 05.03.2012, 02:30.


                        • #13
                          @ Lena

                          lol, Geli Sony hat die Veröffentlichungsrechte gekauft bis 2017

                          Das ist mir schon klar, dass Sony im März 2010 die Veröffentlichungsrechte an Michaels Musik für 7 Jahre gekauft hat.

                          Eine Quelle von Sony teilte mit das man den Jackson-Estate informierte aber keine offizielle Stellungnahme machte, da keiner Consumer-Daten betroffen sind.
                          Wie ist denn dieser Satz zu verstehen ?
                          Was sind Consumer-Daten ?


                          • #14
                            Bestimmt also Sony ,was von Michael rauskommt? Bis jetzt soll keine BAD DVD in Planung sein,ich hoffe, daß zum 25. Jubiläum von BAD etwas herauskommt,aus der Zeit muß es doch noch genug Songs geben,die Michael aufgenommen hat.
                            Mich kotzt diese ganze Hackerei und das leaken von geklauten,unveröffentlichten und unfertigen Songs im Netzt an.


                            • #15
                              Hier noch 2 "Quellen":
                              Michael Jackson: Hacker klauen unveröffentlichte Songs

                              Für Sony ein absoluter Schlag ins Gesicht: Hacker sind in ihr System eingedrungen und haben bisher unveröffentlichtes Material von Michael Jackson gestohlen.

                              05.03.2012, 13:51 Uhr


                              05.03.2012 Hacker-Angriff auf Sony

                              50.000 Soundfiles von Michael Jackson gestohlen



                              thread unten
